I've been going out and about with a plastic bag over my bandage for a week! Oh really what a state to have been in. However the bandage and the bag are now removed and I chased a ball again this week. I wasn't quite going stir crazy you understand, I was being walked, but I love to chase my ball above all else. I do still have to wear a neoprene & plastic sock for another week or so, just to make sure the cuts are fully healed and no dirt gets in. Last weekend we walked around town, mistress forgot her camera.
This afternoon mistress took me for a walk around the back of the Helme, but then made the mistake of cutting across the far end & she got covered in mud!!! It has been raining lately!
The view towards the wind farm by junction 37 of the M6, not that you can see the turbines in this picture though!
And this is me on the road back home.